Thursday, March 07, 2024

I’m the founder and CEO of the 
Brazilian Business Ethics Institute which, for over 20 years, has been promoting Ethics in Brazil in the business and student environment. In fact, we are the "only" institution in my country that promotes the topic of Business Ethics to students, the leaders of tomorrow's companies… And what drove me to found this institution? My story with the Italian oil giant Eni!

It's been more than 22 long years that I've tried to rescue and restore my name, honor and reputation that were destroyed by Eni.

In all these years, five different Boards of Directors, under the management of three different CEOs (2002, 2009, 2014, 2020 and 2023), were contacted by me. But Eni doesn't respond to my persistent messages!

Furthermore, a journalist and "critical shareholder" of the company took my case to be discussed at four Shareholders' Meetings (2017, 2019, 2020 and 2022), but, even though he positioned himself as our "mediator", Eni never agreed to participate in a "mediation meeting".

As if that wasn't more than enough, two other Italian journalists published my story in the first investigative book that told the "problems" in Eni's management for 25 years. The book, entitled "Eni: The Parallel State", became a bestseller in Italy in just a few months.

You can learn more details about this story of "David" against "Goliath" in the attached files that demonstrate Eni's "attacks" against me that are totally contrary to "corporate commitments" (such as the Code of Ethics and Eni’s Declaration on Human Rights) and the "international commitments" that Eni trumpets to the entire world that it "follows" and "accepts": "OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises", "UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights", and the UN Global Compact .

Despite the facts being fully proven, Eni never carried out "Due Diligence". Quite the opposite! The company's strategy, in addition to using the courts to punish me, as I am a defendant in three "SLAPP lawsuits", is: “systemic imposition of retaliations with attacks on my name, honor and reputation, and victimization instrumentally architected to exempt Eni from its own responsibilities".

I would like you to tell my story, not because this story is unique, but because it is not!

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