Friday, April 26, 2024


Wow! CSDDD will catch up with the Italian oil giant Eni! 

Will the company finally carry out "DueDiligence” on my case? 

Time will tell! 

Read more about "EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) in this LINK

Friday, April 05, 2024

Questions to Eni's Board of Directors

As Eni has been refusing, over these more than 22 long years, to carry out "due diligence" on my case, neglecting and disregarding its own commitments (such as the Code of Ethics), in addition to the international commitments that Eni boasted to the world that it "accepts" and follows" (such as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, UNGP 31 and UN Global Compact), I would like to ask the Board of Directors some questions to help them see the company's real situation, making it clear that it was not a threat or intimidation, but just to serve as a warning:

Questions 01: How does our current situation align with Eni’s stated values regarding business ethics, human rights and whistleblower protection? How can the resolution of this case be seen as an opportunity for Eni to reinforce its leadership and commitment to ethical business practices? What is the opportunity for Eni to lead by example and demonstrate its commitment to fairness, transparency and integrity? What common interests can we identify that would help us find a mutually satisfactory solution for both sides? Are there precedents for how Eni has handled similar cases in the past? How can we ensure consistency with these precedents in resolving this conflict?

Questions 02: What are Eni's expectations if we continue without an agreement? What will be the costs of not resolving our conflict? Has Eni considered the serious consequences, including reputational ones, that it will face if our problem remains unresolved? Or does the company believe that the continuation of this conflict will not affect the corporate reputation among its Stakeholders?

Questions 03: In the event that we do not reach an agreement, what does the company imagine I will continue to do to satisfy my interests? What does Eni advise me to do? What will be our benefits if we do not end this dispute? How would Eni’s executives act if they were in my position, dealing with the damage and losses that I have accumulated over the years?

Questions 04: From now on, what path will Eni follow? What does Eni intend to do if we don't reach an agreement? Will the company continue with the strategy of attacking my honor and reputation? Will Eni continue with the strategy of playing the victim? Will the company continue to maintain the 3 SLAPP lawsuits in the Italian court? What will be the costs of this decision, not only financially, but also in terms of time, work of Eni’s employees and the impact on the company's internal morale? 

Read more:

1) "Fully proven facts known to the Board of Directors of Eni"

2) "Chronology of Facts" (2001 to 2022)